Wednesday, 5 February 2014

THE CUSTOMARY "First Post!!" Post

For the last few months, one part of my mind has been saying "Okay, start a blog today. You can finally channel your passion for writing in a fruitful manner, and you can get constructive criticism for your work which will help you go a long way, and you can learn so much from all the wonderful writers out there." But then, there is the other part of my mind that said "Naaaah". Both made such compelling arguments.

I contemplated a lot before deciding to start this blog, asking myself a lot of thought-provoking questions. How often would I blog? I had no idea. What would I blog about? I had absolutely no idea. And then came probably the most important question... Would people even read my blog? And then I realised, this did not matter much to me. It did not matter whether one or one hundred people read my writing, as just the simple joy of writing and challenging myself was enough for me, as hokey as that sounds.

When I told people about my decision to begin a blog, the reactions varied from "Finally! I can't wait to read it!" to "Ha! You will get bored in a day!" to "Wow... cool... what's a blog?" As an aspiring journalist, there is a lot of pressure to write well and be creative; people have expectations of you. In my Journalism course, I am being taught how to provide people with straight facts and hard news without being biased and opinionated. But the best part about having a blog, is that it is my space to post my perspective about life. It almost feels like I get the best of both worlds - I get to be a Journalist for the news and an Author for my views all at once.

So here I am, with nothing but my insomnia for company, penning (Okay, typing. I tried to sound very poetic there.) my first blog post at 12:30 AM. And I can say in all honesty, I have never felt more comfortable. So here is to a lot more writing, learning and sleepless nights! 


  1. Superb Priyangay.
    Sounds very you. I kind of missed your hand actions though. As I read it, mentally I was imagining how you would have said it with your hands simultaneously, if you know what I mean ;)

    1. I'll read it out for you tomorrow - Don't worry :D

  2. Pri! You write so well and your english is too good. I think every first time blogger will relate to your post! Good job and keep blogging :D

    1. Thank you Annie, means a lot coming from you :D

  3. This is SO you, like Disha said! I love it :D I would certainly read your future posts. Keep up the good work :D

  4. I can almost picture you singing "Best of both worlds" as you wrote that :D

  5. Damn it, for me, the "Naaah." always makes the more convincing argument.

  6. Congrats on taking the first step on your blogging journey.

    You say "I contemplated a lot before deciding to start this blog, asking myself a lot of thought-provoking questions. How often would I blog? I had no idea. What would I blog about? I had absolutely no idea. And then came probably the most important question... Would people even read my blog? "

    The best thing about blogging is a) there's no right frequency. You can have 5 posts on a single day or no post at all for days. b) There's no right length. It can be just two sentences long or can be a 5000-word essay with plenty of photos added.

    Don't worry about the readership. It will grow. But you must visit other blogs and engage with the writers. Make your presence in the blogosphere known.

    All the best.

  7. There is this blogger named Pinku,
    Reluctantly puts paper to inku,
    But sure knows how to write.
    So please visit this site
    And comment so she knows what you thinku :)
